Three strong women reside in my brain, my heart, my soul, my movements and tastes. Lexi, Gan, my Mother. I have ready access to their wisdom, if only I remember to ask and listen. Koszonom.
Gan. She sought to surround herself with beauty from and in all aspects. She created a palace for our home. She painted each wall a different color; blending color exquisitely with the art, the furniture, the oriental rugs, the decorations, room by room. I would often stare down at our living room, viewed from my bedroom loft, and just wonder at her ability to create beauty.
I found her 3.5" x 5.5" graphed moleskin book and what had previously been for her eyes only, suddenly opened up to me after she died.
So I read the following that she wrote (and spaced this way):
Gan. She sought to surround herself with beauty from and in all aspects. She created a palace for our home. She painted each wall a different color; blending color exquisitely with the art, the furniture, the oriental rugs, the decorations, room by room. I would often stare down at our living room, viewed from my bedroom loft, and just wonder at her ability to create beauty.
I found her 3.5" x 5.5" graphed moleskin book and what had previously been for her eyes only, suddenly opened up to me after she died.
So I read the following that she wrote (and spaced this way):
Art is
one of
so that
one of
so that
may continue
And in the bottom right corner she drew a heart with a spiral in it, topped by a 3 pointed crown.
She had the spirit and soul of an artist. She was able to use that creativity, her heart, her acute awareness of others and of herself, to help her clients become secure in loving themselves, thus grow and change.
In our 18 years, it wasn't until the last 2 that I saw her artistry applied to gems, particularly the opal.
She loved opals. The slow, precise, careful grinding of this delicate stone, when done correctly, with love, with care, then yields the fire, the light, the brillance and color of this otherwise rough looking rock.
She gave me her alpha polished opal, and Steven, the jeweler who allowed her to indulge her passion for opal polishing, gave me her omega. I've not worn either. I can't yet.
Lexi. She (I've started to cry again and will have to return)